Taxidermy - Nov 2018
My Role: Designer, Engineer, Artist
TAXIdermy is a tongue-in-cheek, top-down, driving and taxidermy simulator created for the 2018 Newbies and Vets Game Jam at USC. The core loop is simple; find a bear, hit it, taxidermy it on the hood of your taxi cab, deliver and repeat!
On this project, my duties included:
Designing a map with 6 unique delivery locations and implementing obstacles and locations into Unity using tilesets.
Paper-prototyping the taxidermy minigame/translating the real-world practice to our digital control scheme.
Scripting tracking arrow UI to guide players toward their next target using C#.
Creating and animating 40+ art assets using Piskel and Photoshop and implementing into Unity with the Unity Animator.
You can play TAXIdermy fur yourself at the link below: