Pieces of Me
Pieces of Me - OCT 2017
My Role: Designer, Writer
In the Fall of 2017, I created this pervasive game along with my fellow USC game design students, Steven Harmon, Quiana Dang, and Maddie Smiley.
In Pieces of Me, players would traverse the campus in search of secret letters that had been hidden by a mysterious figure earlier that Spring. As players read these letters, they began to piece together the complicated relationship between the figure who hid them, Jamie, and his partner, Cal.
The game tackles a few themes -- the largest being unrequited love. Written in the language of two art students*, Pieces of Me, takes players through through Jamie and Cal's relationship, from the first awkward, giggly, conversation, to the last painful moments-- pleas for affection. As a designer, I am most proud of how the story blurs the lines of fiction and reality by tying into real world places and events on the USC campus.
With the help of my fellow devs, on this project my duties included:
Creating the characters of Jamie and Cal, and scripting their interactions.
Mapping the USC campus and placing letters in locations that fit the story.
A documentary about the game's creation is linked above!
(Please ignore the unflattering thumbnail).